World I-Kuan Tao Headquarters

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Guidance Words of the Great Master

During this time of the last chance, it is necessary to spread and consolidate the Tao in turn. But we must not be satisfied with the renown we have or remain based in one place. If you have the will, God will give you the chance to succeed. As long as you cultivate yourself and propagate the Tao, those destined to believe will naturally come to you.



To cultivate yourself and propagate the Tao, you must abide in non-action. Consider all people as your benefactors in a previous life and devote yourself completely to heaven, in the knowledge that any achievement you may have is given you by heaven and the universal Buddhas. Only in this way, can you avoid the pitfall of striving to gain fame, benefit and power from the Tao. I, the master, truly feel sad and regret at the present state of our faith.



Future achievement is not decided by the scope of the faith, the number of holy houses of the size of the following. It is decided by whether one's cultivation is true, whether one abides by the precept, is free of greed and falsity and acts without argument or dispute, purifying one's spirit to accomplish his will.


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Followers of White Yang cultivate his broad and encompassing vision, congratulate others on their success, praise their excellence, salute their diligence. Learn to make the world and ourselves happy. Learn to make the universe and ourselves happy. Learn to make all people and ourselves happy.



I, the master, am fair to each of my followers. I am not being liberal to one and stingy to another. I will assist anyone who has the will to spread the Tao. You do not have to admire the people who have spread the Tao widely. For as everyone has his different destiny, so his accomplishment of spreading the Tao may not be the same. My wish is for your mind and will to remain unchanged, and I will give you my greatest blessing. Remember that as the clouds fly away and the bright moon appears, the sweetness always comes after the bitterness.



In the Holy House, do not spread rumors among one another or even fan the flames. Learn to be kind, sympathetic and tolerant. When you treat other people this way, God will treat you the same.



Do not put too much emphasis on the mere number of temples and followers, for that will put distorted thoughts of struggling for "possession" into people's minds. If you begin to dwell on comparisons of numbers, you may soon fall prey to the Devil. Heaven in its final judgment evaluates a person's virtue, discipline, mind, will and accomplishments, not his wealth or fame.



Do not be satisfied with your present ease and happiness. You should be grateful for the environment of Tao cultivation at this time. Even if you are in adversity, you are still better off than the beings in hell, the hungry devils and all the animals of this world. How can you complain and feel frustrated? Nor can you be proud or self-contented.



In cultivating and propagating the Tao, you should continuously push yourself toward a higher level of dedication, so that you may improve your virtues and wisdom and reduce the constraints of fate.



When reading the sutras written by the saints, you may learn new things by reviewing old things and understand that one principle runs through all the teaching. From the above, you will comprehend the hardship of the saints' teaching.



Be virtuous always and honor the precepts of Buddha. Encourage and guide other followers of Tao, and be encouraged and guided by them. Help one another. Join together to cultivate and propagate Tao. Bring into being the one great family spirit of Buddha Maitreya.

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